Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Latest Slave RiiRen’s art


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3 years ago

  • illustration

  • gift

  • cries

  • sisimissyoufr

You probably wouldn't be able to see this but, happy early birthday!
You're an amazing person and your art has improved so much since I met you, and it has a lot of potential. You're outgoing and have a great sense of humor, and you always seem to make people feel better after a rough day. When I see you interacting with your other close friends it reminds me of my old friendgroup on Medi. (Prez, Ash, Horrid; remember them?) and it's amazing how you bring other people from all sides of this site together. Whatever you're doing at the moment off Medi right now, I hope you're doing well so far, and I hope maybe in the future you could come back and get in touch with all of us.

We'll be waiting, for sure.

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