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Latest EdibleMarKers’s art

Asher, without his mask(for the rp) LEVEL 2

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Views 114

4 years ago

  • medibangpaint

  • oc

  • Francis

  • Asher

He used to be named Ashton, and i just relized that but i call him Asher...
you guys like the style? this is why i havent posed in a while because i was working on this style...
Anyway this is after a part in the storyline where Francis becomes on with Asher(hence the black eye), and he dosnt have his crown because of events in the rp and i just forgot to draw it ....welp if you read all of this congrats, im still gona try and do a colab and a meet the artist for 100+ followers but i just havent got to it.... sorry for babbling, have a good day

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