일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 DragoNEraGG15의 일러스트

The Warrior of the Forgotten Land (Finished)

즐겨찾기 6


  • medibangpaint

…<<This is the last Battle...
My last Battle>>
Once upon a time,

There was a prophecy

"In the land of the forgotten,
In the forgotten land,
The lives of the humans are tied
To the others live beings,
To the eternal land,
To the Infinity sky,
And to the deep rivers,seas and oceans.
They are Searching for...
The mystery of the essence of the Life,
The indomitable power of the hidden creatures.
And a great Sage said that :
"The humans's fate,
It's to walk on this world
for find thier own self...
But there will be a great sacrifice.
And it will be taken from themselves...

They will lose their own way,
By killing each others without remorse,

Only to find and to have what is not be found...
Just only to get the power to step on others...
Just only to feel their own selfish sense of justice.
Just only to find a sense on their own lifes."

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    신작순 DragoNEraGG15의 일러스트




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