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Latest Lilac Odalasor’s art

AzuReiki (Phantom Form + Will’o Wisp)

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6 years ago

  • medibangpaint

This is an alternate form of my other OC of the same name.

With the life-giving essence of the forest spirits known as the Will’o Wisps and his original dragon powers combined, AzuReiki returned to the physical world to seek out the traitor who wronged him.

His powers as a phantom include: telekinesis (though not as powerful as other phantoms since he wasn’t a human during the transformation), phantom speed, the ability to phase through walls (it gives him constant nausea so he tends to not use it very often), and his favourite technique/s the Ghost Fire Punch/Slash (where he ignites one of his fists with his blue ghost fire and attacks with it, leaving a cold but burning pain in it’s wake)

More info on this guy will be on the way!

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