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messy doodle of....well, I have yet to name him LEVEL 1

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3 years ago

  • medibangpaint

  • doodle

the kings Chansler was alive the same time as Ryst (6000-16000, havent relly decided on a specific date). Even though he only relly met Ryst for a good 10 minutes before he was "killed" by Ryst in order for him to "take on a new form" (or use his body as a vessle for his shade form, speaking he nearly killed himself in a previos event) after his "death" he continued to live in Ryst's mind.(im not explaining all the stuff behind why his mind still exists for now) Eventualy Ryst comes to accept the Chansler as an assistant of sorts. Some dialogue:
Chansler: There were only two peaple Ryst ever cared about, his mother and me....
???: But why you?
Chansler(turning away slightly): That dosnt really matter....

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