插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 Josh/BreadLover🇲🇽的插畫

One year in Medibang (Read Disc)

我的最愛 15
閱覽數 98


  • medibangpaint

  • anniversary

  • <3

  • Thank_You!

  • Joshlikegame

OK!!! So one years has passed that I had joined Medibang/Artstreet, its been an amazing year for me here, even tho it was my only year XD
So in this drawing I had drew of what I remember happening in the year, so bascily there are Easter eggs of mostly every drawing I had made. I also put the achievements that I got, the level 2 and 3 were from my other account that got banned .-. even tho I don't got it now, I still carry these two proudly ✨

And remember that I'll give a hand reveal? YEA!! im almost at 100 followers, I'll post a topic tomorrow at this exacted time, saying this again, cause I think people forgot about this. I could of done this months ago, but yk my account banned .-.

Anyway thank you guys for an amazing year for me here, I'll continue making art until I DIE!!!! ✨¬v¬✨
Seriously tho thank you guys SO MUCH🍞🍞


    上傳時間 Josh/BreadLover🇲🇽的插畫



    今天的LEVEL UP