일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 ☆<Sunny>☆의 일러스트


즐겨찾기 3


  • medibangpaint

I just want to make a little announcement to you guys just for a reminder because I'm sure many of you don't know some of stuff.
As you can see, if any of you know a artist from medibang named Galaxsmp, that is actually me.
I know its confusing but let me explain.
Back then when I used to have the galaxsmp account I used to use my school account and since I left the school I used to use my account on, The account got deleted which made me unable to go back to the account. Since then I couldn't post at all on the galaxsmo account
soon enough I made this account with my new email and here I am!
Some of you I do remember before because you used to be with me back then when I had my galaxsmp account and I hope you remember me!
anyways thank you for reading this :)

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    신작순 ☆<Sunny>☆의 일러스트




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