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Latest Onionroleplay :/’s art

My Mothin sona! Read desc for more info i guess. LEVEL 1

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4 years ago

  • medibangpaint

  • Mothins

Skeev Komms is the name of this sona. Mothins are my original species, I know there is another species called Mothins, but they aren't like these ones.

She is a colorchanger, which are rareish, only 1 out of 10 Mothins are colorchangers. They can change the colors of themselves. They can also change the colors of other Mothins and items, but only if the item or Mothin is touching the colorchanger. When they lose contact, the color fades to normal.

So Skeev likes to change her colors to the flags of the humans.

If you want a Mothin, you have to get them from adopts for now. I may do a contest to see who can come up with the best Mothin design, and then everyone who entered can keep their Mothin, but Im not sure if I should do that.

There is a ref sheet for this species on my page a bit back.

u can ask me for more info in the comments...

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