일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang


Berthe Morisot with a bouquet of violets

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  • MasterpieceFanart

  • flowers

I want to improve my skills, so I challenge myself by using only one brush and no smudge. (I call it one brush, no smudge ^_^;) Because I usually use many brushes and use smudge quite often, and when it comes to an oil paint picture like this, it is even more harder to stop myself from using smudge haha. (I use 6B pencil in Procreate, by the way.)

And for the reason why I choose this picture is because I am someone who is better at drawing something that has an obvious center. And this picture is beautiful, peaceful, and has a very obvious center.

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