일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 MegiSonika의 일러스트

_:Sonika OC:_

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  • OfficialCharacters

Hi, it's me!

Let me introduce myself and my very first OC that has been with me all the way from 2014 until now: Sonika.

She is an experimental being who was captured in a factory to get mutated into a half way Spider as a child. Since some of the tests were for only mental reasons created, her mind is kind of broken and finding her way into civilazition was tough.

Either way, there is indeed a storyI have her included in yet I didn't publish or write it up anywere.

I am just an artist who'd love to do this for money but has no idea how to start a business with this crap XD Also, since I'm a pretty shy person, I am always overthinking things and fear people won't like the stuff I do...

But well! Hope you enjoy!

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    신작순 MegiSonika의 일러스트



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