!Important! ~desc~ LEVEL 3
3 years ago
!This is linked with the story of PoisonTale, Poison Sans and the universes surrounding it!
If you dont understand, then dont worry about it ^^" sorry I don't make much sense
You know how poison was a dragon/half dragon/part dragon because of experiment (cough cough I love dragons cough)
I've decided I'm going to take that out. Its quite Mary-sue, and over powered. And it just doesnt work well with the where gist of the story.
I will keep everything else the same (venomous fangs, sharp claws, slit eyes ect ect), I will just remove the dragon part
Also, since I used the dragon part to justify how his soul has carried on living, I am going to change it so that he mainly leeches of mafias soul, kinda explaining why mafia is so big compared to other sanses???