Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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Vampire gang

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Views 113

1 year ago

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  • medibang

Lou: Refuses to befriend them. His view was jaded due to his experience with werewolves.
Likes: Milk (yes… milk,) Shiny items, and food.
Dislikes: Wine
Lye: Lou’s friend, tends to be Lou’s emotional support, and the main decision maker.
Likes: Wine, Walks, and flowers.
Dislikes: Childish people (gets annoyed by Lou’s childishness.)
Above Lou:
Dianica: Before she became a vampire, she was heavily into fashion, and became a model for a short time in Candid City. Then that night came, she became a vampire and decided to work for Lou and Lye.
Likes: Fashion, parties, company.
Dislikes: Cuteness
Next to Dianica:
Kh’etor: He was originally from Alphas. After doing his duty for the king of D’hilthum in Alphas, that night, was bitten by a mysterious vampire. Lou finds him, and then asks Kh’etor if he wants to work for Lou. He accepts Lou’s request and now is working for him.
Likes: Berries, Fish.
Dislikes: Negative talk.

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