イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

新着 Utsukushi Phantasiaのイラスト

Steal the fire

お気に入り 3
ビュー数 172


  • 女性

  • スケッチ

  • sketching

  • simple

  • 練習

  • Trial

  • captain

  • digitalartwork

  • messy

  • Experimental

She’s a captain of an elite squad of knights that have a duty to keep balance in this world, allowing neither one person, nor any group of people to hold absolute power. This squad of knights existed for centuries, but it did so in secret, for most it was only known as a legend.

The captain rarely takes apprentices and all of them have the same final test. It’s simply – stealing the flame(sigil that invokes a sacred fire)

No matter how promising of a warrior the apprentice proved to be, or how cleverly they dealt with the previous trials, this has been at least a thousands steps beyond that. If they failed, she would urge them to either continue trying or give up. Many chose latter. Even if, by luck or some tricks, they managed to grasp the sigil with their hands, it wouldn’t just fall into them, it would just burn. The sacred flame burned all that wasn’t impure. Those that didn’t give up, eventually had all of their impurities burnt out, beat the trial and became great knights.


    新着 Utsukushi Phantasiaのイラスト


    Utsukushi Phantasia


