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Latest Manalodia’s art

Vetrise Cardinal portrait (Act I)

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11 months ago

  • oc

  • portrait

  • sorceress

  • nonhuman

  • gothicfantasy

  • Innocenza

  • Penumbra

  • VetriseCardinal

Vetrise was a gifted child, inquisitive of the world around her and eager to learn about it. Once taught their family’s mission was to restore their name and their people, she took to it with all seriousness beyond that of her mother. She began to study after Ilinca’s work in understanding their inner workings, blood and the influence the abyss.

She was close with her brother Varen and looked after Cachusa. This would end when Varen and his family were killed by the gravuzie, grieving apart from her family by delving into her studies. Before she was even able to graduate, Vladmir Blair, considered the greatest mind in Kolonia, approached Vetrise. His proposition was to join her mind to his association for the future of the Penumbra and possibly end the Gravuzie plague. She would find herself among other Penumbra specifically a part of Moon sect, taking up the alias of Ovara Marie.

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