Fanart: Amaterasu
Wooo!!!! Fanart of a game I've never played before, LET'S GO!!!... I did play Okamiden though, does that count?
Ammy, the goddes of sun, weapons, having to many sidekicks and ink, it was only right to paint her with a similar style to the one she uses, watercolours, yeah, not quite ink, but similar-ish. And I absolutely don't know how to draw animals, still, it's good enough.
Anyways, this fun little thing I did while going outside after class with some friends to paint watercolours!! It was fun, definitely recommend you to do group drawing with friends.
And I'm off to continue my last month of classes!!! One singular month of sufferi- I mean, projects and classes, jeje.
I'll see you'all sooner than you think B+C=P
Character belongs to © Clover Studio