插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 Howdy, i a m Wubb .的插畫

A thing to make my life easier!

我的最愛 1
閱覽數 59


  • Originalidea

  • RandomProject

And I only poked my fingers three times -u- Ok FINE, it was four-
I designed a tiny pocket to shove pencils, gel pens, fine liners, and stuff that i can strap around my sketchbook so I don’t have to make two trips (dropping everything on both) every time I draw in a place that isn’t my room-
I made a tiny paper one with tape to see if there’s any problems too- And then I died the rest of the last three days sewing it and measuring like five different sketchbooks to make it adjustable and fit other sketchbooks after I finish my current one -u-
When I sewed it, there were a few things I changed, like making the on-site pockets slots instead, and I sewed some letter beads at the top with the first letter of my bnha oc’s names, and I used stretchy cloth instead of felt. I also couldn’t draw on the cloth because it was black and my white gel pens weren’t working on it-
And a few more smaller things .u.
Should I post the physical result after I take pictures?


    上傳時間 Howdy, i a m Wubb .的插畫



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