插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 TheRandomFandom | Yeet的插畫

My first artfight revenge!!!

我的最愛 5
閱覽數 124


  • 女孩

  • 可愛

  • 黃色

  • 美人魚

  • green

  • TheRandomFandom

This is half to make up for not posting in a long time, and half because the submit button on artfight is broken for me so unfortunately i have no way of submitting this until it’s fixed.

I drew this character for Bakugo124 after they drew phantom for me, and I had so much fun doing it tbh
Millie’s design was quite simple so I gave her a more detailed (and slightly more modest) top and more detail on her tail. The flowers she is holding and in her hair are water lilies, symbolising purity of heart, which is perfect for a mermaid imo

This is only partially shaded cause shading would’ve taken me an extra 2 days which is time i really didn’t have (but now sorta do cause of the broken submission button). The portrait style border, natural yet bright colour palette, and swirling vine designs on her outfit are all based on art nouveau designs, which is what I’m doing since I’m on team bloom. If I was on team wither, i would’ve done Art Deco lol.

Hope y’all like this!


    上傳時間 TheRandomFandom | Yeet的插畫


    Weeb >:3
    TheRandomFandom | Yeet



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