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Latest SkyfireTailspin (Furry)’s art

Warrior cat DuskSerenade

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1 year ago

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“DuskSerenade” is a warrior cat with a rich, brown coat adorned with darker stripes. Its bushy tail sways gently as it walks on the orange ground, reflecting the warm hues of the evening sky. Its eyes are closed in contentment, embodying a sense of peace and tranquility. A small blue bird, a companion in this serene moment, is perched on its back. The backdrop is a gradient sky, transitioning from the deep blue of the evening to the soft orange of the setting sun, suggesting the time to be dusk. The green plants at the bottom add a touch of life to the scene. This peaceful image of coexistence and serenity truly encapsulates the spirit of “DuskSerenade”.

Art by me [Skyfire Tailspin]

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