Bee Bracelet Charm for Mom
Happy Holidays, everyone!
Hope everyone is doing well at the end of 2020!
This year my biggest struggle has been the separation from my parents in a country 3200 km away from home. I am still trying to get used to life there, in this COMPLETELY different country with foreign to me traditions and COVID isn't making it easy for me and my family - both emotionally, physically or financially.
I drew my mom in her flower garden in our village. It is one of her favourite things to do, she always seems so happy around her flowers. I really wanted to buy her a bee charm for her bracelet because to me she seems as hardworking and caring as a bee. However, again, I could not get it due to other expenses like education, travelling, accommodation, etc. She loves her tiny bracelet and I really wanted her to think of me whenever she looks at it and I am away from her.
Thank you for the attention!