マレーシアの食べ物 #8 LEVEL 5
4 years ago
Goreng means fried in Malay, Maggi 🍜is a super common and cheap instant noodle brand in Malaysia. This is a supper choice that every Mamak stall must have in Malaysia. My drawing only show the common fried with maggi goreng, there also have other side dish together with the noodle example fried chicken🍗 or other.😋
Goreng 在馬來文裡是指炸,炒的意思,Maggi是馬來西亞最家喻戶曉且便宜的快熟面品牌。這個炒快熟面也是馬來西亞常見的宵夜,幾乎每個夜晚營業的嘛嘛檔都會有這道料理。當然根據不同地方有不同作法,在配菜方面除了煎荷包蛋,也會有炸雞🍗作為配菜😋