일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Nyany의 일러스트

Adopt batch #1 (closed, RULES IN DESC) LEVEL 1

즐겨찾기 6


  • cute

  • digital

  • adopt

  • kemono

  • digitalartwork

Okay so these are winged wolves as requested by Dex, uuhm you can only ONE, do not use alt accounts to get both of them, do not fight over them, the first commentor asking for the adopt of their choosing gets that adopt. if you use the adopt without properly owning it i will contact you to take down the illustration and to stop using the character thats not yours, if i reply to your comment saying you own the adopt you must draw it in the span of 5 days, if you contact me you need more time i will allow that but if you dont and the 5 day time period is up i will have to give it to someone else.

they are free so just comment and wait until i reply to get them its pretty simple

also you may make small adjustments to the design but not major adjustments to the point its not recognizable who you got it from. you may slightly alter the colors/add colors or add accessories and alter fur patterns you dont like.

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    신작순 Nyany의 일러스트




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