일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Manalodia의 일러스트

Duske portrait (Act II)

즐겨찾기 1


  • 판타지

  • male

  • 자캐

  • 인물화

  • 뱀파이어

  • swordsman

  • gothic

  • Umbra

  • LostChildrenPt.1

  • DuskeMerloci

 After the events within the Serpent's Den, Duske would find himself in a strange realm. He would be greeted by a young Penumbra man that upon meeting, all would become clear. It would seem ages passed speaking with this man; of his isolation from the world yet viewing it go on, of his struggle to free the bane his people placed upon themselves and of the man Duske once was.

All of this he believed without hesitation. Pisaj Interior had restored much to him and the converse filled in any blanks left. However, one truth would make clear the oath he had made to this man long ago. When asked again if he would hold to this, renew it, Duske knew the implication. Hemrej's words made sense now.

Before realizing, Duske found himself alone again in the real world. What was left to him was the task ahead and the bitterness that would come with it. It would be his choice how he saw it through and he would clear a path for those he cared about.

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    신작순 Manalodia의 일러스트




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