Yet another one of these crappy things
My mom kept saying that I look and sound miserable...
I feel like she hates me now, it's obviously easier when I'm not there. She seems to care more about her new boyfriend and candy than she does getting a car, getting a house (she lives with a friend, and she keeps saying she hates it), and me. I'm scared to talk about everything with her bc the last time we had problems (we lived in a super crappy house where everything was falling apart, and I was bullied everyday at school) and I talked to her about it, she yelled at me...I guess my opinions don't matter even though I have to listen to her opinions all the time (a.k.a she complains about everything, she's never happy, she criticizes everything I do now, yet whenever I try to talk she either ignores me or yells). The reason I draw so much is to distract myself from this crap, my mom told me to call her when I want to go back...but I really don't want to... I'm scared she'll make me go back...sorry for wasting your time...