일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Creation Error 32의 일러스트

Here it is (read description)

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  • medibangpaint

Here's my crappy attempt at an original species, and a base.... So yeah this is just a ref sheet for whoever wants to make one... Just posting this because I feel more and more like a liar every day I forget to do so.

The species doesn't have a name yet.
There's really no rules.
All that you really need to know is that the body and the face have some kind of... Armor??? On them, and the rest is like... Slime or whatever. Idk.

It's 2:AM and I give up.
I don't care if it's not original or whatever just know it's open and y'all can do whatever the hell you like.
...oh and there was supposed to be a second set of eyes on the base because they usually have four eyes but uh....
There wasn't space for them...
Idk just have fun I'll make a better species ref and description and whatever for them later but for now just go frickin wild-
.....I'll be going to bed now.

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    신작순 Creation Error 32의 일러스트


    Creation Error 32


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