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Latest Fer Vara’s art

Algamesh LEVEL 1

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Views 381

2 years ago

  • BLUEHUNTER_ArtContest2

  • BLUEHUNTER2-Undiscovered_MarineLifeCategory

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With the cataclysm and the damage to ecology done by humanity certain marine life mutated. Such is the case of a plankton community that their mind united in a collective hive capable of forming a single being from seaweed. In the end Algamesh was born, a giant creature made of seaweed under the control of a plankton hive mind. ---------Con el cataclismo y el daño a la ecologia hecha por la humanidad cierta vida marina mutó. Tal es el caso de una comunidad de Plancton que su mente se unio en una colectiva de colmena capaz de formar un solo ser partiendo de algas marinas. Al final nació Algamesh, una criatura gigante hecha de algas bajo el control de una mente de colmena de planctons..

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