> Vanillachan901 I understand that, but at the same time, posting LGBTQA+ people being raped is not okay,, and neither is posting their nudes on the internet. I'm just trying to warn people, although I'm aware it will most likely go downhill. I'm fine if someone doesn't support LGBTQA+, but acting out on it and doing that isn't okay either. :3c
I mean, I'm neither homophobic nor transphobic because I'm an ftm and gay but, it's people's opinions. It's wrong to criticize people for having opinions. Just because you like something, doesn't mean everyone else should. The first amendment states that we have the freedom of speech. This is just mean because they're speaking their minds. Everyone thinks differently. We're humans. Not wild animals. You don't like it when people wrong you for not being either. Why do what they're doing by wronging them for being homophobic or transphobic? It's their opinion. They never said it was a fact.
and thankfully i dont have any of those apps- at least until the end of school but i wont share any of that if pride fall is still going. (i cant/shouldnt anyways because my best friends mom and dad are homophobic and would probably see ://)
ugh i saw people warning others on YT, so im grateful that people are spreading the news... people and their shitty opinions... this is fucking wrong but ty for warning us! <3 ill make sure people get notified-