I like to think they would be friends (SKY COTL)
1 year ago
I forgot to do this idea during the Season of passage.When I relived Melancholy Mope's spirit (The spirit with the emo haircut and lily flower) I realised these two would be good friends, The little prince has his rose and Melancholy Mope has their lily. As it's just a good dynamic too!, a sad self-isolated spirit and a happy and curious innocent person becoming friends and talk about their flowers.And the little prince can probably keep Melancholy Mope not so mope-y anymore, y'know?
Im going to be real, The season of the little prince made me cry. (YES A VIDEO GAME MADE ME CRY (also also technically the book aswell). It's probably my favourite season of all time bc it made me cry and has one of my favourite spirits in it!! Im sorry if you guys wanted more RH content, i just love sky so much!!!
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