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Tin-K & Emily

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4 years ago

  • January2021_Contest:OC

  • sketch

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  • character

  • cute

  • manga

  • oc

  • medibang

  • pencil

  • monochrome

  • villain

  • I_Am_Hero_One

Here's a cute picture of Tin-K and Emily together, but as a devious couple of evil!

Remember the part when Ja-Jin fused with Tin-K's souls and corrupted it? Well, he kinda infused his dark power with Emily's poor innocent soul, and now she's his dark queen. But of course, Emily isn't 100% evil (actually, she's not even 1%), because Ja-Jin's plan backfired on him. You see, Emily's innocent nature became her shield and she manifested into the good of Ja-Jin. As a sort of universal law, evil has a chance at being redeemed.

But why doesn't Ja-Jin destroy her? Simply said, he can't. Tin-K won't let him. Though Ja-Jin has complete control over Tin-K's body, he struggles to gain complete control of his mind. The best he can do is trap Tin-K within the Dream of Desolation, but even then he still manages to escape from time to time...

I would like to explain more, but I have to keep some for the comic, right?

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