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Yinglet: If you give that thing some soda.

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6 years ago

  • medibangpaint

  • yinglet

  • valsalia

A little fanart of a species of creature that's from the Webcomic, Out of Placers. The Yinglet. They're these oddly cute funny creatures that are spindly, hyperactive, and have this weird thing for clams. In their world they just evolved into a sentient species and are kind of the bottom rung of the social ladder. What I really liked about drawing them is their silly expressions.

"Zey can't wrap Zheir tongue around Ze t-h sound around Zhem teefz. So, Zey sound like a little kid imitating Sigmund Froid."

They don't have carbonated drinks in their world. So I kind of fudged some details. They are already hyperactive enough without sugar but since they scavenge from humans, and the others of Valsalia, I wouldn't be surprised if they stole a few six packs and investigated them like a cat would investigate unwitting paper bags.

The Webcomic is a definite must read.

All credits of Out of Placers goes to Sal Valia.

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