Garbage club side characters
3 years ago
I didn't bother with shading that would have taken forever let's speedrun their descriptions going left to right:
Trisha, 15.5, female, heterosexual, Super sweet and nice, K.Bs ex he's on good terms with.
Fedora who never got name, 16.5, male, 'totally straight', kind of a creep.
Marcus, Male, 17, omnisexual, l e m m e s m a s h, cant take a hint.
She needs good name, female, 15, queer, Hannah's cousin living with her due to family issues. Totally didnt/doesn't deal weed.
Dev, almost 17, asexual, demkin asshole who's less evil more bothersome.
She also needs name, she's much newer, 16, pansexual, cool girl on abby's softball team that's very tough love and makes abz feel ✨things✨.