Woop woop WOOOOOp-
We've been friends for a YEAR!- A few days ago now but y'know- Art takes time- But ye this is JENITAA- If you dont know her, she's bloody AWESOME- XD https://medibang.com/u/ZeroMyBeloved/
I've had an amazing year with ya! <33 You're HILARIOUS- And so goofy XD- You're unnatural ability to REMEMBER ALLL the little things is scary but very heartwarming, because it's just things that bring you back to the good ol' days XD-
I literally always felt SO good and SO happy when we would talk and joke around XD- AND OMiGOSh- Speaking spanish is always a joy XDD- I bet I make NO sense when I speak spanish with you but it's fun XDD
And mannn It's funny to me how we are SUCH opposites, yet, we get along so well XDD- YOU MAKE ME HAPPII >=33 And I hope I drew you well! XDD-