Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


Galaxy Laptop

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Views 164

3 years ago

  • giftyouwant2021

  • giftyouwant2021:50000JPYGift

  • pc

  • galaxy

  • Gaming

  • gaming

  • laptop

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My biggest dream is become a content creator.
I want to become a content creator because I want to inspire people and make them happy just like the content creators I watch have make me happy.
With this Laptop I would be more capable of accomplishment my dream, because I would be able to record content and upload it.
I don't wanna ask my parents to buy me a laptop because I know they don't have the money to buy it and I don't wanna make them feel bad.
I'm from Venezuela, and the terrible situation here doesn't help me to save to be able to buy a functional laptop.
I would love to have this laptop, it would be the best Christmas gif I could never have.

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