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Planet Ansonia, Anso for short

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7 years ago

  • medibangpaint

This is Ansonia Cryptas Home Planet this is what it looked like before the war ok so the purple area is land the dark blue is the "Planets Center Central" whatever u want to call it the light blue is magic loads and loads of magic in liquid form it's like water but it IS magic it heals,calms,soothes, and ya XD the blue "Planet" is Anso's "sun" it acts as the sun and moon it is also pure rock hard magic literally XD it is on the other side of the moon so it is forever eclipsing but to Ansoniac it is harmless and that is why earth can't see that "moon" the white and blue light around the planet Anso is just all the magic energy the moon helps sustain the Ansoniac people as well as Anso

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