일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Liam Gray의 일러스트

Lieutenant Caspian (Final Design) LEVEL 1

즐겨찾기 7


  • June2022,MonthlyContest:Strike_a_pose

  • 2022年8月例コンテスト:オリキャラ

  • 지브리

  • elf

  • manga

  • 남자애

  • rival

  • bishounen

  • Retro

  • mangaart

  • 컨셉아트

  • WonderIsland

Caspian is an antagonist turned supporting character featured in the Wonder Island: Hero of Brightwater manga series created by Liam Gray. He is a Lieutenant in the Wildhunt and a Hero chosen by the Faerie Queen to protect the Secrets of Eternity. Caught between fealty and fate, Caspian finds himself needing to choose between peace and justice in the execution of his duties.

Caspian made his debut in Wonder Island: Hero of Brightwater Chapter #1: Shine-Shine Eternal – The Indominable Spirit of Youth! published by Conquest Comics in 2021.

The brave Lieutenant Caspian, the Last Man of the Wildhunt – a conflicted Sun Elf with a strong sense of Loyalty to Captain Morrowyn. Caspian is divided between his Heroic Calling in Brightwater and his responsibilities to the Wild Hunt. Skilled in both swordsmanship and Thunder Magic, he takes up the cause against Doomspire, becoming Arrowyn’s reluctant rival, mentor and friend.

Art by Yuka Cross

    다음 작품

    신작순 Liam Gray의 일러스트


    Conquest Writer
    Liam Gray


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