일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Crystallll의 일러스트

Earth and Cage Face Mask design series of 3 Part 2

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  • MaskDesignContest

The idea of this design is that human beings should protect and cherish the natural ecology and the Earth, preventing any further disaster like Covid-19 pandemic.
This design consists of three masks, representing three scenarios of Covid-19: before, during and after Covid-19.
The basic images consist of Hand, Bird and Cage.
The hand represents human beings.
The bird represents natural ecology.
The cage represents deformed Earth with continents.
(Part 1)
Before Covid-19, Human being is the conqueror of the Earth, pillaging and destroying the natural ecology without restraint.
(Part 2)
During Covid-19, the natural ecology has punished human beings for their unrestrained disruptive behaviours. The Earth becomes their cage without freedom of travelling and gathering.
(Part 3)
After Covid-19, the human being will break the cage and learn how to protect and cherish the natural ecology, embracing and welcoming a brighter future with peace and harmony.

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    신작순 Crystallll의 일러스트




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