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Latest YannDessuDraws’s art

Honeypie in Wonderland pt. 6

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2 years ago

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  • medibangpaint

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  • cookierunkingdom

The next day...
???: Beyond the glass lies another you. It's up to you to figure out which one you're going to be.
HP: What? What do you mean? Wait, don't go!!
Honeypie wakes up from her dream.
SS: Honeypie? Are you awake?
HP: Huh?! Um, yeah...
SS: Go wash up, I'll make breakfast.
HP: Okay...
Honeypie finds the bathroom and washes up. Then, she looks in the mirror. Another version of herself lies there.
HP: Is that... Me?? Wait, it's up to me to figure out which one I wanna be... Is that what she meant? I can't tell Shortcake about this... Whatever! That's the least of my concerns! I need to fix their friendship! I'll figure... this out later.

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