일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Sarri의 일러스트

Midorra Dix

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  • 팬아트

  • digital

  • alternateuniverse

  • transformersoc

  • TFPrimeuniverse

Mids is the character I created in the book I Love You, Sir of my friend Allgesia Prime.
Midorra, like Darkmind, lost her most expensive; but they were not killed by the Decepticons, but by the Sentinel Prime troops. She used to be Autobot; after this experience she turned to them. Before she could destroy the Autobots insignia, she was captured by a unit of the Vehicons, commanded by a scientist named Shockwave. He was very fond of experimenting with the protoforms of his prisoners; But Midorra was intrigued by her hatred for the Autobots. It occurred to him, therefore, that it could be used. He would train Midorra and send her ... straight to the Wrecker camp under the command of Ultra Magnus. Shockwave hates him directly. Several attempts to defeat him, but failed. Midorra is supposed to change that. She’ll send him information. But only until she meets and gets to know Darkmind.

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    신작순 Sarri의 일러스트




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