マレシアのデザート | You za gui 油炸鬼 Youtiao LEVEL 2
Kuih-muih is Malay, the meaning is the bited-size of snack or desserts in Southeast Asia. I combined these delicious kuih-muih together with the cutest cat “meow” become kuih-meow.
You za gui AKA youtiao, a long shape deep fried strips. In Malaysia, we not only eat with soy bean milk, we also eat you za gui with coffee, porridge, and the most importantly we eat you za gui with our bak kut teh. Honestly the soup of bak kut teh with you za gui are totally match.
Kuih-muih源自馬來文,是指在東南亞的常見的一口吃的各種蛋糕或甜點。這次新的系列是把kuih-muih 和可愛的貓咪”meow” 做結合形成Kuih-Meow。
油炸鬼 AKA 油條。雖然這不管在新馬台灣中國地區都很常見的小吃,但在馬來西亞這裡除了一般豆漿配油條以外,我們也會把油條配咖啡、配粥,以及最重要配上我們引以為傲的肉骨茶。不得不說,油條和肉骨茶的湯汁除了絕配已無其他形容詞。