일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Beary 06의 일러스트


즐겨찾기 0


  • BLUEHUNTER_ArtContest

  • BLUEHUNTER-OriginalCharacterCategory

  • September2021_Girl

  • 소녀

  • 캐릭터

  • 드레스

  • ocean

  • sea

  • momo

Name of Hunter: Momo
Hunter Class (0-5): 0
Height / Weight: 134 cm / 38 kg
Nationality: she belongs to a new country built in (or on) the ocean
Ranking within Hunter Class (1-100): 80
Characteristics (Reason for becoming a Hunter, skills, items etc): Momo is about 10 years old and considered intelligent compared to her age. She's a single child with parents living close to the water which means that the BLUE HUNTERS are easily accessable. She's almost always cheerful, she's helpful and lifts everyone's spirits up. As a BLUE HUNTER she would probably be a Cadet and later on a Searcher helping around Nagisa Uehara, since she has a good understanding of animal behavior, and she can easily calm them down. (She's sympathetic towards people as well.) She can also understand people's expressions better than average people. The reason for becoming a Hunter is simply because she adores nature and wants to help protect and improve the environment.

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    신작순 Beary 06의 일러스트


    Beary 06


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