일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 camobatquack64의 일러스트

My three Super Crown characters I made

즐겨찾기 1


등록된 태그가 없습니다

1. Bandanadette is Bandana Waddle Dee's Super Crown form. I made her because I looked at a Japanese comic on Twitter that had Bandana Waddle Dee finding the Super Crown and so she was just a depiction I imagined in my head about if Bandana Waddle Dee actually put on the Super Crown.
2. Grinchette is Grinch's Super Crown form, specifically the Grinch played by Benedict Cumberbatch in the new Grinch movie. I made her because I figured that the Smash Bros Grinch leak NEEDED a representation somehow!
3. Nekohime is The Cat in the Hat's Super Crown form. I made her in response to my creation of Grinchette because I already know that the Grinch and The Cat in the Hat are enemies and like I didn't only want to make a rival character for Grinchette but also a love interest for her.

Ok that's enough numbering the characters! Alright so I hope you guys all enjoy :D

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    신작순 camobatquack64의 일러스트


    Anime Artist


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