Ukraine Countryhumans (Do you like this style?) LEVEL 1
Hey if you actually read description
If you like this style please let me know cause I have no idea what style I want to keep...
Oh 9 I'm obsessed with the character Ukraine again-
This is the 5th time I have gone through an obsession with the character-
h l e p
Notice: Please try to not take offense to this! If you do have an issue, let me know and we can talk to eachother about it! I will take this down if necessary.
So uh cause no one reads this
u h
I've been a little out of place in the past few days so uh
Don't mind if I'm quiet during chats or my conversations are dry-
I just feel kinda 'brain dead' but yeah. I mean really I'm just in like a 24/7 zone out but yeah-
T h a n k s
: )