講座 - 光與影 - 提供資訊
講座 Tutorial
<< 光與影 - 提供資訊 >>
<< Light and Shadow - supply information >>
I've not shared tutorial for a while. I get chances to draw backlight, and also some people ask me about hints of backlight. So I decide to share now.
今天亦是小弟的生日 (昨天才發現),得到很多的祝賀。我不一一回覆大家了,就以這個分享來多謝大家吧~~
Today is also my birthday (I didn't remember until yesterday), and I get many congratulations. I won't response one by one, but thank everyone by sharing this tutorial~~
Please visit pixiv to read full paragraph.
"Method, not right or not, but suitable or not."
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