일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Grandicelli Susanna의 일러스트

The Empire of the Damned LEVEL 1

즐겨찾기 4


  • October2023,RegularContest:Colorful

  • anime

  • MediBangPaintPro

  • arte


  • 주술회전

  • digitale

  • ragazza

  • pittura

  • acquarello

  • MyHeroAccademia

※ 이 작품의 테그편집은 할 수 없습니다.

This comic is read in the Western way from left to right, top to bottom. It is translated into Italian.
Genre: Thriller
Style: Japanese Anime
Setting: 1600

Narration: It deals with the events of an 18 year old boy named Ita, he is a sorcerer who, through a talisman, in addition to protecting him, gives her particular powers, the story begins between disagreements that have arisen with his half-brother Federek, who she wants him dead, because he is jealous of the attention she received from her father the emperor, who, having grown fond of him, also gives her the title of Duke of Yorchia. Ita also has a very great power, that of the forger, he carries out the emperor's orders and to repay the noble life he gave her, he satisfies his emperor in everything, recovers bodies fallen in war and transforms them into metal through forging to procure new armor and weapons of war to the soldiers. This is why the emperor wants him as his successor to the throne

    다음 작품

    신작순 Grandicelli Susanna의 일러스트


    Grandicelli Susanna


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