以下のメモを読んでください(read the notes below)
この世界には驚くべきことがいくつかありますが、人間社会の支配者たちはそれらすべてを台無しにしています。多くの命が殺され、多くの人が亡くなり、人間が土地、水、油などを求めて戦っています。読んでくれてありがとう。(There are some amazing things in this world, but the rulers of human society are ruining them all. Many lives have been killed, many have died, and humans are fighting for land, water, oil, and more. thank you for reading.)
(There are some amazing things about this art, but you need to zoom in or download and view it. Look from every angle. This art contains a large number of small works of art. I hope you like it.)