일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 krys 👅💦의 일러스트

new occ !!1! leoo <3 LEVEL 3

즐겨찾기 10


  • medibangpaint

so fucking proud of thiss,, luv him sm i will die for himm
| 🐋📺⚗️
extra infoo (longg)
.stoner + constantly has a pack cigs on him
.believes hes a critic bc he posts lots of reviews on stuff
.hangouts with theyre friends/roommates constantly
.gives rlly shitty advice, believes hes inspiring
.constantly cold + carries around a blanket
.has a pet lamb that he "rescued" from a farm + pet rat
.sometimes delusional, but he doesnt admit it
.loves camping + long roadtrips w/ his friends
.dog/shark hybrid + can turn into a dog
.no relationship experience but gives advice
.forget abt his allergies + gets sick bc of it
.thrifts his clothes + takes from roommates
.believes internet conspiracy theories + oblivious
.constantly listening to music (mainly nirvana)
.tells stories, tells how he gets his scars
.deemed himself as "nirvanas biggest fan"
.leo isnt his real name, he doesnt know it
.abandoned by his parents at a young age + doesnts remember them

u can draw them if u wantt <33

    다음 작품

    신작순 krys 👅💦의 일러스트


    krys 👅💦


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