> thatoneshadeofgrey [was frozen] To be honest, I too only follow from techno's pov I read a recap and thought it was cool jghuf- His arc started when sapnap and karl went to go build kinoko kingdom and quackity thought they left him, so he turned to gambling, so he's rebuilding las Vegas (I think, that may be wrong-) now called las Nevadas. Time skip and he he meet up with Bbh and they had a conversation about 'real power' which ends with Q saying "I'll show you really power" (I'm not to sure what happened inbetween this-) later he finds a letter from schlatt (glatt?) Telling Q to revive him and since dream has the revival book, Quackity visits the prison and tells dream that he's gonna 'come back everday to make his life hell' aka he's gonna torture dream till he gives up the revival book
I don't know what to do with this power-