일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 YannDessuDraws의 일러스트

SLEEPOVER CONTEST! (Details in desc) LEVEL 3

즐겨찾기 7


  • art

  • contest

  • Ddsleepover

  • ddsleepover

I'm throwing a sleepover! Well, not really-
It's a contest! This is my 2nd time doing a contest so I'm excited! I doubt anyone's gonna join but whatever! The theme is sleepover! So a long as you incorporate that into your submissions, it's fine! So you have 3 options!
A) Draw DD or Dexter with a sleepover theme
B) Draw DD and Dexter with a sleepover theme
C) Draw your OC and DD in a sleepover theme
You can do either of these. As long as it's nothing inappropriate, you're free to participate!
The winners will get fanarts, drawings, and honorable mentions depending on how many people join. Which no one will-
Also use tag "ddsleepover" so I can properly place them!
Anyways, it ends November 31! Have fun and I'm going to go eat a cookie now

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    신작순 YannDessuDraws의 일러스트


    Kind of an Artist


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