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时间顺序 Bacon Brilliance的插画

Envy Manor: Introductions 1 (Read Desc!)

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  • 原创人设

  • Story

  • envy

  • Spoopy

  • Envy_Manor

Here they are!

The Masked... A very silent, eerie fellow the have a mask at all times. Do they envy... or are they hiding from something... someone? No... themselves?

The Manipulator (I spelt it wrong XD)... the look in their eye, they know what they're doing. All they want is popularity, but more so power. A megalomaniac reliant on others, the have The Lover in their chains. Nice little flowers can be so deceiving...

The Lover... the follower would suit them better, they are nothing but a puppet. Their Puppeteer is The Manipulator, they just want to spend time with them. They admire them. What a foolish, falling leaf...

The Destroyed... Oh, what could happen to someone so young? A fate worse than death? Maybe... there isn’t much to say, they’re not angry, nor sad, just destroyed. They are conscious, but seem to not care. They’ve seen it all, right?

Read first comment, also I hope y’all like it!


    时间顺序 Bacon Brilliance的插画


    Da Sizzler
    Bacon Brilliance



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