插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

时间顺序 Mika41105的插画

Zerrissen The Demon

收藏 3
浏览数 394


  • medibangpaint

  • 恶魔

  • 原创人设

  • Aphmau

  • minecraftdiaries

  • mcd

This my new Minecraft Diaries OC!
Let's introduce him!

Um.. My name is Zerrissen and I'm a demon. Lord Levin says I need to tell you about me, so I guess here goes.....
I'm 7 years old and I've been living on the run since I was 3.
I'm told I have a hothead like Laurence but have a serious and mysterious demeanour like Mr.
People are afraid of me but I guess you just have to get used to things like that. Not all demons are good after all.
I like being around Malachi and Travis. Malachi is like an older brother but Travis is the only one like me!
He says his dad was the demon warlock, and that's scary! A demon and a warlock?
Lord Levin and Malachi tell me about their mom, but I've never met her. If Travis trusts her like they do, then maybe she isn't so bad. They say she was the Lord of Phoenix Drop before Lord Levin.
So, that was a little bit about me 8 guess? I have a game to play with Nekoette, so I'll see you later! Bye!


    时间顺序 Mika41105的插画


    I Can Draw



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