일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 BakaChizen의 일러스트

My Ideal Wife LEVEL 1

즐겨찾기 2


  • MyIdealWaifu_MyIdealHusbandoContest

  • MyIdealWaifu

  • anime

  • cute

  • medibang

  • 에도가와코난

  • sea

  • animegirl

  • 名探偵コナン

  • aihaibara

  • caseclosed

  • iPad추첨캠페인

My Ideal Wife

- Kid, Sweet and Caring
- Makes everything special.
- Has a cute side that she only show to you.
- Good Looking and Neat.
- Has proper hygiene.
- Smells so nice.
- Kiss you every morning.
- She always gives you a big hug when you are sad.
- Honest and Wise
- She cooks delicious food with your health in mind and always takes care of you when you and the kids are sick.
- She makes sure the house is clean.
- Surprises you every time you go on a date.
- Family Oriented.
- Okay with cats and dogs.
- She always pays attention to everything you do.
- Will help you to be a better person.
- She will love and accept your flaws help you to correct your mistakes.
- Respect you and other people.
- She has a great mindset in life.
- Captivated you with her smile.
- You can depend on her and she is always there to support you.
- Trustworthy, will not cheat and only has her eyes for you.
- Will love you forever.

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    신작순 BakaChizen의 일러스트




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